Poster Session 6:
Applied Demography, Methods, Health and Mortality
Gender Imbalance in the HIV Prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa Jacob A. Adetunji, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Community-Based Interventions Can Change Detrimental Social Norms: Experience from the Navrongo Female Genital Mutilation Experiment Philip B. Adongo, Navrongo Health Research Centre ; Elizabeth F. Jackson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Livesy Abokyi, Navrongo Health Research Centre ; Reshma Naik, Navrongo Health Research Centre ; Ellie Feinglass, Population Council ; Patricia Akweongo, Navrongo Health Research Centre
Post-Census 2000 Population Estimates for the Municipios of Puerto Rico: Current Research at the Census Bureau Bashiruddin Ahmed, U.S. Census Bureau ; Arjun Adlakha, U.S. Census Bureau ; Antonio Bruce, U.S. Census Bureau
Job Strain and Mortality among Men and Women in the United States Benjamin Amick, University of Texas at Houston
Fertility Awareness-Based Guidelines for Postpartum Women Marcos Arevalo, Georgetown University ; Irit Sinai, Georgetown University
World Population Changes from 1990 to 2005 Viewed through the Stationary Population Equivalent Roger Avery, Brown University
Digging Deeper: Uses of Administrative Records at the U.S. Census Bureau Lisa M. Blumerman, U.S. Census Bureau ; Carrie R. Simon, U.S. Census Bureau
Segregation and Obesity Prevalence among U.S. Adults Jason D. Boardman, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Jarron M. Saint Onge, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Richard G. Rogers, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Justin T. Denney, University of Colorado at Boulder
Underestimated Life Expectancy as a Principal Risk to Commercial Pension Insurance System in the Czech Republic Boris Burcin, Charles University, Prague ; Tomas Kucera, Charles University, Prague
School Capacities Reduction: Geodemographic Background Study for Decision Making Process (an Inner Prague District Case Study) Boris Burcin, Charles University, Prague ; Eva Caithamlova, Charles University, Prague ; Zdenek Cermak, Charles University, Prague ; Tomas Kucera, Charles University, Prague
Explaining the Latino Asthma Advantage: The Role of Neighborhood Social Context Kathleen A. Cagney, University of Chicago ; Christopher Browning, Ohio State University ; Danielle Wallace, University of Chicago
Small Area Population Estimates by Demographic Characteristics: A Case Study for 170 Census Tracts in Multnomah County, Oregon Qian Cai, Portland State University
Adjusting for Unequal Selection Probability in Structural Equation and Multilevel Models: Applications to Demographic Survey Data Kim Chantala, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; C. M. Suchindran, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Estimating Causal Relationships in NAEP Duncan Chaplin, Urban Institute ; Sheila Isanaka, Urban Institute ; Austin Nichols, Urban Institute
Quality of Primary Care by Race, Ethnicity and Language among Medicaid Children in California: The Role of Managed Care Arpita Chattopadhyay, University of California, San Francisco
Neither Here nor There: Using GIS to Integrate Data from Incongruent Geographic Areas Jana Chavers, College of William and Mary ; Laura C. Nixon, College of William and Mary ; Kate C. Dykgraaf, College of William and Mary ; Amin Vafa, College of William and Mary
The Effects of “Color” in Individual and Family Levels on Child Mortality in São Paulo, Brazil Kuniko Chijiwa, University of Florida
Residential Duration in an Unusual and New Destination State (Utah) and the Health of Hispanics Youngtae Cho, Seoul National University ; E. Helen Berry, Utah State University ; Michael B. Toney, Utah State University
Spatial Clustering of Cause Specific Mortality Jeralynn S. Cossman, Mississippi State University ; Wesley James, Mississippi State University ; Ronald E. Cossman, Mississippi State University
A Quantitative Analysis of the Relative Effects of the Components of Change Used in Postcensal County Population Estimates Sam T. Davis, U.S. Census Bureau
Violence against Women and Depression in Rural Ethiopia Negussie Deyessa, Public Health ; Yemane Berhane, Public Health ; Atalay Alem, Addis Ababa University ; Mary Ellsberg, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) ; Ulf Hogberg, Umea University ; Gunnar Kulgren, Umea University
Determinants of Malnutrition among Children in India A. Dharmalingam, University of Waikato ; T. Alesan, Kamaraj College
Caste Differentials in Child Mortality in India PremChand Dommaraju, Arizona State University
Covariate Analysis of Multistate Life Tables: Application to Women’s Contraceptive Dynamics C. M. Suchindran, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Tzy-Mey (May) Kuo, Research Triangle Institute ; Helen P. Koo, Research Triangle Institute
The Demographic Impact of AIDS Mortality among the Adult Population in 56 Countries Brynn G. Epstein, U.S. Census Bureau ; Laura M. Heaton, U.S. Census Bureau
Change in Suicide Rate Attributable to Individual’s Treatment with Antidepressants Annette Erlangsen, Aarhus Universitet ; Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Pennsylvania State University ; Yeates Conwell, University of Rochester
Demography, Socioeconomics, and Geography: Endeavoring to Explain Land Cover Change in and around the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve, Ecuador Christine M. Erlien, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Carlos F. Mena, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Alisson F. Barbieri, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Stephen J. Walsh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Direct Access to Emergency Contraception through Pharmacies Diana G. Foster, University of California, San Francisco ; Sharon Cohen ; Nicole Monastersky ; Frances Chung, Public Health Institute ; Nancy Kim ; Mackenzie Melton, Public Health Institute
No Somos Una Caja, Somos UN Todo: Ethnomedicine and Globalization in Southern Chile Hanna Garth, Rice University
Benchmarking Census Same-Sex Unmarried Partner Data with Other Glbt Survey Data Gary J. Gates, Urban Institute ; Christopher Carpenter, University of California, Irvine
Pond Water Contamination And Incidence of Disease in Rural Bangladesh Azizur R. Molla, Pennsylvania State University
Does the Birth Order Affect the Cognitive Development of a Child? Frank Heiland, Florida State University
The Influence of Climatic Variations on Child Survival in Burkina Faso Sabine J.F. Henry, Université de Montréal ; Stéphanie Dos Santos, Université de Montréal
The Life Table without the Civil Registration System: Alternative Models of Indonesian Mortality Mira M. Hidajat, Pennsylvania State University ; Latrica E. Best, Pennsylvania State University
Standard Days Method: Discontinuation and Program Effectiveness Claudia Velasquez, Georgetown University ; Ernesto Pinto, CEMOPLAF ; Rebecka I. Lundgren, Georgetown University
The Effects of Sociodemographic Characteristics, Risky Behavior, and Prior Depression on Psychological Well-Being in Young Adulthood Maria Johnson Kriechbaum, University of California, Los Angeles ; Laura Piersol, University of California, Los Angeles
The Global Tobacco Surveillance System: “Purpose, Production, and Potential” Nathan R. Jones, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ; Charles Warren, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ; Samira Asma, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
American Community Survey Data on the Foreign-Born Population: PUMS Files and Detailed Tables Alexa Kennedy-Puthoff, U.S. Census Bureau
A New Efficient Algorithm for Construction of GOM Models Mikhail Kovtun, Duke University ; Igor Akushevich, Duke University ; Kenneth G. Manton, Duke University ; H. Dennis Tolley, Brigham Young University
The Provision of Public-Sector Family Planning Services: U.S. Family Planning Clinics in 2003 Laura Lindberg, The Alan Guttmacher Institute ; Jennifer J. Frost, The Alan Guttmacher Institute
The Impact of Program Design Changes on Access to Publicly Funded Family Planning Services in California M. Catherine Maternowska, University of California, San Francisco ; Claire Brindis, University of California, San Francisco ; Antonia Biggs ; Denis Hulett, UCSF Center for Reproductive Health Research & Policy ; Philip Darney, University of California, San Francisco ; Felicia Stewart, University of California, San Francisco ; Diana G. Foster, University of California, San Francisco ; J. Joseph Speidel, UCSF Center for Reproductive Health Research & Policy ; Sara Laufer, University of California, San Francisco ; Deborah Weiss, University of California, San Francisco
Tube-Wells as a Community Health Intervention: Can They Be Effective in Bangladesh? Azizur R. Molla, Pennsylvania State University ; Gretchen Cornwell, Pennsylvania State University
Bootstrap to Study Completeness of Adult Mortality Surveillance Bhamidipati Narasimhamurthy, National Institute of Epidemiology ; M. D. Gupte, National Institute of Epidemiology ; A. K. Mathai, National Institute of Epidemiology ; S. Jabbar, National Institute of Epidemiology ; S. Venkata Subramanian, National Institute of Epidemiology
Maternal Employment in Early Childhood and the Risk of Overweight in Adolescence Atsuko Nonoyama, Alcorn State University ; Pippa Simpson, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences ; Jeffrey M. Gossett, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences ; C. Shannon Stokes, Pennsylvania State University
Health Seeking Behavior and Child Health Outcome: Malaria Treatment and Preventive Behavior in Kenya and Zimbabwe Tom O. Owuor, Pennsylvania State University ; William Sambisa, Pennsylvania State University ; Peter Moyi, Pennsylvania State University
Context and Child Health in Rural Districts of India: The Effect of Women’s Education at the Community Level Sangeeta Parashar, University of Maryland
Multiple causes of death related to HIV/AIDS in two Brazilian cities: São Paulo and Santos, 2001 Claudia Cristina de Aguiar Pereira, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Carla J. Machado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais ; Roberto do Nascimento Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
The Impact of Social Networks on Depression: Education Effect Focusing on Age and Gender Differences Hyeyoung Woo, University of Texas at Austin
Evaluating County Population Projections Using a Century of Census Data Stefan Rayer, University of Florida
Health Intervention and Health Equity: Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh Abdur Razzaque, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research ; Peter Kim Streatfield, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
The Demographic Dynamics of Migration in Coastal Ghana Holly E. Reed, Brown University ; Michael J. White, Brown University ; Catherine N. Stiff, Brown University
Evaluating Poverty Alleviation through Microcredit: Methodological and Empirical Evidence from Indonesia Chikako Yamauchi, University of California, Los Angeles
Stochastic Small Area Population Forecasting until 2015 for Hospital Planning in Rostock, East Germany Sabine Schnabel, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Klaus Dahmen, University of Rostock
Risk Perception and Response to Perceived Risk Models: Findings from the Slums of Nairobi Yetty Shobo, Pennsylvania State University
Child Health in Peru: Importance of Regional Variation and Community Effects on Children’s Height and Weight Heeju Shin, University of Texas at Austin
Provider Networks and Quality of Care for Reproductive Health Services in Nepal Dominic Montagu, University of California, San Francisco ; Ndola Prata, University of California, Berkeley ; Robert McPherson, Independant Consultant ; Anand Tamang, Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities, Kathmandu
An Interactive Demographic Approach to Projecting the Supply of Nurses by State Richard A. Smiley, NCSBN
Spuits, Stuips, and Saline Drips: Health-Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Illnesses in Urban South Africa Natalie Spark-du Preez, Loughborough University ; Paula Griffiths, Loughborough University ; Noel Cameron, Loughborough University
Child Health-Related Behaviors in Southern Ghana: Is Health Knowledge Important? Catherine N. Stiff, Brown University