Poster Session 4:
Migration, Income, Employment, Neighborhoods and Residential Context
Household Dynamics, Village Characteristics and Consumption Patterns in Nang Rong, Thailand Susana B. Adamo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Contextual Influences on the Use of Health Facilities for Childbirth in Africa Rob Stephenson, Emory University ; Steve Clements, University of Southampton ; Angela Baschieri, University of Southampton ; Nyovani Madise, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Methods and Techniques to Measure and Categorize Migrant Movements Applied to the Brazilian States of São Paulo and Bahia Ernesto F. Amaral, University of Texas at Austin
The U.S. Distribution of Annual Wage and Salary Income since 1961: the Perceived Inequality Trend John Angle, Inequality Process Institute
“I Know Where She Goes” - the Construction of Trust in Risk Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Male Labor Migrants in India Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen ; Inge Hutter, University of Groningen
International Migration of Highly Skilled Workers: Methodological and Public Policy Issues Jeanne Batalova, University of California, Irvine and Migration Policy Institute ; Lindsay Lowell
Shall I Leave? Shall I Have a Child? The Disruptive Effect of Migration in a Low Fertility Context Cristina Bradatan, University of Central Florida
Vigilante Neighborhoods Combat Crime: Business Improvement Districts and the Private Provision of Public Safety Leah Brooks, University of California, Los Angeles
Divergent Pathways: An Examination of Race Differences in Women’s Labor Force Exit Patterns Tyson H. Brown, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Social-Spatial Segregation in the Metropolitan Area of Campinas, Brazil: 1980-2000 José Marcos Cunha, Universidade Estadual de Campinas ; Alberto A.E. Jakob, Universidade Estadual de Campinas ; Maren Andrea Jimenez, University of Texas at Austin
Quantifying the Urban Environment: A Newly Constructed Scale of Urbanicity Outperforms the Traditional Urban-Rural Dichotomy Darren L. Dahly, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Linda Adair, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Economic Dependency and the Division of Household Labor: A Longitudinal Examination of the Impact of Relative Earnings on Household Labor Kimberly A. Daniels, Pennsylvania State University
What’s New in Race and Residential Mobility? An Analysis of Individual and Ecological Factors Cecily Darden, University of Maryland
Internal Migration of Floodplain Populations in Four Riverine U.S. Cities Daniel H. de Vries, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; James Fraser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sinking, Swimming, and Yachting in Deep Water: The Role of Consumer Debt and Assets in Marriage Jeff Dew, Pennsylvania State University
Displacement and Women's Health in the Republic of Georgia Khatuna Doliashvili, University of Texas at Austin
Economic Strategies of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Families in Los Angeles Sarah Edgington, University of California, Los Angeles
Saturation and Exodus: How Immigrant Job Networks Are Spreading down the U.S. Urban System James R. Elliott, Tulane University
The Effect of Children on Residential Mobility: Revisiting the Concept Using a New Source Alison Fields, U.S. Census Bureau
Latin American Urban Trends in Female Contribution to Household Income during the Late Twentieth Century Carolina Flores, University of Texas at Austin ; Lissette Aliaga Linares, University of Texas at Austin ; Bryan Roberts
Assessing 'Brain Drain' from the Former Soviet Union to the United States Clifford Grammich, RAND
Impact of Prenatal Care Eligibility Restrictions on Health Outcomes: A GIS Analysis of Immigrant Composition and Provider Location Shanti Gamper-Rabindran
Income Packaging among Unwed Families: Variation across 20 Large U.S. Cities Qin Gao, Columbia University ; Irwin Garfinkel, Columbia University
Social Segregation Profiles Based on FANNY and GOM Methods: An Application for Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1996 Ricardo A. Garcia, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Habitation Deficit and Household Projection in Metropolitan Brazil Gustavo Henrique Naves Givisiez, Universidade Candido Mendes ; Eduardo L.G. Rios-Neto, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
Location of Recent Immigrants: Lessons from New Jersey Katherine Hempstead, Rutgers University
Who’s Coming to America? Absolute vs. Relative Change in the Size of the Latino Professional Population Hayward Derrick Horton, University at Albany, State University of New York ; Edelmira Reynoso, University at Albany, State University of New York
Residential Patterns, Living Conditions, and Social Network: A Case Study of Nangrong Migrants in Urban Settings, Thailand Aree Jampaklay, Mahidol University ; Kim Korinek, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
International Migration, Family Formation, or Both: How Should We Measure International Adoption? Catherine T. Kenney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ; Jennifer M. Ortman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Measurement of Economic Contribution in a Rural Developing Country Nizam Khan, University of Colorado at Boulder
The Effect of Immigrants on the Labor Market in the U.S.: Spatial versus Occupational Approach Changhwan Kim, University of Texas at Austin ; Arthur Sakamoto, University of Texas at Austin
Where Did All the Soldiers Go? Assessing the Effects of Military Downsizing on Employment and Enrollment of Young Men Meredith A. Kleykamp, Princeton University
Evaluating Small-Scale Migration Rates from the American Community Survey William K. Koerber, U.S. Census Bureau ; Robert Kominski, U.S. Census Bureau
Migration Networks, Hukou, and Destination Choices in China Zai Liang, University at Albany, State University of New York ; Hideki Morooka, University at Albany, State University of New York
Community Effects and Domestic Violence in South India Nancy Luke, Brown University
Spatial Separation of Traditional Black Middle Class Families from Neo-Black Middle Class Non-Families: The Emergence of the Love Jones Cohort Kris Marsh, University of Southern California
Neighborhood Crime, Deprivation and Preterm Birth Lynne Messer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jay S. Kaufman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Barbara A. Laraia, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; David A. Savitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
An Historical Perspective of Step-Parenting in the United States: Exploring Changes in the American Family Using an Age-Period-Cohort Model Carrie E. Spearin, Brown University ; Berna Miller Torr
Internal Migration in Indonesia: Mobility Behaviour in the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey Elda L. Pardede, University of Groningen
Predicting Persistent Offending Using Family and Neighborhood Characteristics Katherine A. Paz, University of Texas at Austin
Immigrant Adaptation via Intermarriage: The Residential Concentration and Racial Identification of Multiracial Asian Americans, 1980-2000 Kristen K. Peterson, Brown University
Measuring Housing Quality in the Absence of a Monetized Real Estate Market: The Case of Rural Northeast Thailand Martin Piotrowski, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Varachai Thongthai, Mahidol University ; Pramote Prasartkul, Mahidol University
Migration and the Relationship between Child-to-Parent and Formal Transfers: The Case of Mexico Estela Rivero-Fuentes, World Bank Group
Coloring Outside the Lines: Racial Segregation in Public Schools and their Attendance Boundaries Salvatore Saporito, College of William and Mary ; Deenesh S. Sohoni, College of William and Mary
Residential Stability, Neighborhood Racial Composition, and the Subjective Assessment of Neighborhood Problems Scott Schieman, University of Toronto
General Equilibrium Labor Market Effects of Welfare Reform Kosali I. Simon, Cornell University ; Ning Zhang, Cornell University
Patterns and Characteristics of Internal Migration in Developing Countries Joachim Singelmann, Louisiana State University ; Keiko Osaki, United Nations ; Marta Roig, United Nations
Does Neighborhood Context Matter? Evaluating the Impact of Local Characteristics on Substance Use among Youth Karen A. Snedker, University of Washington ; Emily C. Walton, University of Washington
Does Welfare Policy Affect Birth Rates Among Low-Skilled Immigrants? Felicia T. Yang, Cornell University ; Kosali I. Simon, Cornell University
Structured Choices: Dating Markets, Social Networks, and the Racial Characteristics of Intimate Partners among American Adolescents Anthony Paik, University of Iowa ; Christabel Rogalin, University of Iowa
Measures of Sprawl Applied to Urban and Rural Areas, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis Gerald Shoultz, ASPH Fellow, National Center for Health Statistics
Pursuing Cultural Goals, Rejecting Institutional Means: An Anomic Analysis of Illegal Labor Market Wages and Household Dynamics Bryan L. Sykes, University of California, Berkeley
The Impact of Hispanic Population Growth in the Locality on the Outlook of African Americans Marylee C. Taylor, Pennsylvania State University ; Matthew Schroeder, Pennsylvania State University
How Has the Political Violence Period of 1980-2000 Changed Peru?: Emergent Demographic Patterns and Readjustment of the Peruvian Regional Rural Societies Tania R. Vasquez, University of Texas at Austin
Women’s Employment Status and Intimate Partner Violence in Mexico Andres Villarreal, University of Texas at Austin
U.S. Women's Labor Force Participation, Children and Change: 1980-2000 Ann Von Holle, University of Pennsylvania
An Extension of the Use of Administrative Records to Estimate Internal Migration in the Intercensal Population Estimates Signe I. Wetrogan, U.S. Census Bureau
Education and Repeat Migration; Racial/Ethnic Patterns of Return and Onward Movements in the United States Beth A. Wilson, Utah State University ; E. Helen Berry, Utah State University ; Michael B. Toney, Utah State University