Internal Migration in Indonesia: Mobility Behaviour in the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey

Elda L. Pardede, University of Groningen

The main objective of this paper is to Asses the level and the direction of internal migration in Indonesia. In the context of individual decision-making process, migration level is used to measure the chance to migrate across individuals. These individuals are differentiated by sex, education level, and cohort. Migration direction is seen as the choice of place made in the context of action space, which is the range of probable destinations perceived by potential migrants that influences the choice of destination and the distance. The motivation component in decision-making process is measured on how the different purposes of migration occur as the drive in determining the choice of place. This paper uses the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey by applying the logistic regression method. As the data provides migration history of individuals, the debate is on the method and measurement applied, whether they are sufficient for this study objective.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Migration, Income, Employment, Neighborhoods and Residential Context