Poster Session 1:
Aging, Life Course, Health, Mortality, and Health Care
Childhood Exposure to Disease and Old Age Mortality: Long-Term Perspectives from the Nineteenth Century George Alter, Indiana University ; Michel Oris, Université de Genève
Economic Well-Being among Elderly Couples in Marriage and Cohabitation: What Developed Countries Can Learn from Developing Countries like Mexico Gilbert Brenes, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Social and Economic Influences on Older Adults’ Preparations for End-of-Life Health Care Needs Deborah Carr, Rutgers University ; Dmitry Khodyakov, Rutgers University
Projections of the Older Population: An Examination of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Projections over Time Michelle Cheuk, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
How to Get a Robust Estimation of the Modal Length of Life? Siu Lan Karen Cheung, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) ; Graziella Caselli, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Active Life Expectancy and Functional Health Transitions among Filipino Older People Grace T. Cruz, University of the Philippines ; Yasuhiko Saito, Nihon University ; Josefina Natividad, University of the Philippines
Elderly Population in Puerto Rico: Sociodemographic Characteristics among the Poor and Non-Poor Vivianna M. De Jesus, University of Puerto Rico
Factors Associated with Maintaining IADL Independence: Application of Latent Trajectory Modeling Hiroko H. Dodge, University of Pittsburgh ; Mary Ganguli
Medicare and Longevity in International Perspective William H. Dow, University of California, Berkeley ; Allan Parnell, Cedar Grove Institute
Examining the Relation between Gender Disparity in Health and Employment, Education, and Family Roles: Evidence from Taiwan Gang-Hua Fan
From Divergence to Convergence in Sex Differentials in Adult Mortality in Developed Countries Patrick Gerland, United Nations
Life Time Mortality of Men with Normal and with Subnormal Sperm Counts Sabine Groos, University of Marburg ; Walter Krause, University of Marburg
Obesity, Social and Demographic Context, and the Human Dopamine Receptor d4 (Drd4) Gene Guang Guo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Kari North ; Seulki Choi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gender Differences in Social Contact after Spousal Loss Jung-Hwa Ha, University of Michigan
African Americans Mortality, Health and Health Care Utilization Mian B. Hossain, Morgan State University ; Laurencia S. Hutton, Morgan State University ; Yvonne Bronner, Morgan State University
Mortality Differences by Race, Ethnicity, and Nativity: Estimates from California Hans Johnson, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) ; Joseph M. Hayes, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)
Life Course Determinants of Racial Inequality at Older Ages Joan R. Kahn, University of Maryland ; Anthony Hatch, University of Maryland
Neighborhood Context and Access to Healthcare: Does Residential Instability Matter? Toshiko Kaneda, Population Reference Bureau ; James B. Kirby, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
A Comparative Analysis of Ageing and Socio-Economic Policies, between Tajikistan and India Alisher Khaydarov, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Asian New Immigrants and Health Jibum Kim, University of Chicago ; Talya Salant, University of Chicago
Family and Household Composition and Health: Mechanisms and Moderators over the Life Course Tracey A. LaPierre, Duke University
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Chronic Conditions on Wealth Change Jinkook Lee, Ohio State University ; Hyungsoo Kim, University of Kentucky
Low Socioeconomic Status, Infection, and Heart Disease Risk Across the Lifecourse Dawn Alley, University of Southern California
Birth Spacing and Sibling Health Inequality at Birth Aparna Lhila, Cornell University
The Long Term Effect of Famine on Chinese Adult Mortality: A Cohort Analysis Yong Li, Johns Hopkins University
Body Mass Index and Health among the Union Army Veterans Claudia Linares, University of Chicago ; Dejun Su, University of Chicago
Provincial Mortality of Chinese Oldest Old Hui Liu, University of Texas at Austin
Survival Convergence and the Preceding Mortality Crossover for Two Population Subgroups Xian Liu, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) ; Charles Engel, Jr., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) ; Han Kang, Department of Veterans Affairs
Military Service and (Dis)Continuity in the Life Course: Evidence on Disadvantage and Mortality from the HRS and Ahead Andrew S. London, Syracuse University ; Janet Wilmoth, Syracuse University
Family and Suicide: Gender Differences in the Effect of Children on Elevated Suicide Rates Following Spousal Loss Patrick Lusyne, Ghent University ; Hilary Page, Ghent University
Retirement Behavior in Indonesia Douglas McKee, University of California, Los Angeles
The Status and Availability of Data on Centenarians: What Do We Have and What We Would like to Get? James W. McNally, University of Michigan
Social Security and Elderly Mortality Cristian Meghea, American College of Radiology
Migrants in the EU: Welfare in Old Age Mahmood Messkoub, Leeds University
Poverty and Mental Health across the Adult Life Course Jennifer Moren-Cross, Duke University
The Role of Demographic Changes in the Decline of Suicide in Sweden Julianne Ohlander, Pennsylvania State University
Neighborhood Effects on Primary Care Access Julia C. Prentice, Boston University
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Expectation of Length of Life: A Study of Older Adults Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda, Bowling Green State University ; Zhenmei Zhang, Bowling Green State University
International Migration Experience and Standard of Living in Old Age Mariano Sana, Louisiana State University ; Chiung-Yin Hu, Louisiana State University
Joint Retirement Decisions of Married Men and Women in Canada Grant Schellenberg, Statistics Canada ; Bali Ram, Statistics Canada ; Martin Turcotte, Statistics Canada
Older Health, Living Arrangements, and Family Support in China Manisha Sengupta, U.S. Census Bureau ; Wan He, U.S. Census Bureau ; Kaiti Zhang, China Research Center on Aging ; Ping Guo, China Research Center
Balancing Work and Family Responsibility: Provision of Transfers from Late-Middle-Aged Working Adult Children to Their Elderly Mothers Ching-Yi A. Shieh, University of Maryland
Life Cycle Aspirations for Goods, Family and Work Anke Zimmermann, University of Southern California
Income and the Use of Prescription Drugs by the Elderly: Evidence from the Notch Cohorts Kosali I. Simon, Cornell University ; John Moran, Syracuse University
The Mental Health of Men: Profiles and Life Trajectories of Urban American Fathers Marilyn Sinkewicz, Columbia University
The Role of Socioeconomic Status in Disaggregated Disability Trajectories among Older Adults in the United States Miles G. Taylor, Duke University
Diabetes, Functional Status and Resource Access: A Binational Comparison of Mexican Origin Elderly Jennifer J. Tovar, University of Texas at Austin
Contemporary Kinship: Family Composition Effects on Resources for Older Americans Sarah Walchuk, University of California, Berkeley
Tobacco Use among 13-15 Year Old Students in the Philippines, 2000-2003 Nathan R. Jones, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ; Marina Miguel-Baquilod, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Burke Fishburn, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Charles Warren, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ; Jonathan Santos, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Samira Asma, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Life Satisfaction, Self-Rated Health, and Mortality in Taiwanese Elderly Li-Shou Yang, University of Michigan ; Mary Beth Ofstedal, University of Michigan ; Shu-Hui Lin, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan
The Effects of Grandparent Care on Children’s Developmental Outcomes Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, New York University ; Rebecca Glauber, New York University
Coresidence between Older Parents and Adult Children and Changes over Time: The Impact of Health and Socio-Demographic Factors Vanessa Yong, Brown University
Does the Present Allocation of Kidney Transplants in the US Maximize the Gain in Total Life Expectancy in the Potential Recipient Population? Monique Zimmermann-Stenzel, University of Marburg
Out-Migration of Young Adults and Living Arrangements of the Elderly in Rural China: The Case of Chaohu Wenjuan Zhang, Xi'an Jiaotong University ; Merril Silverstein, University of Southern California ; Zhen Cong, University of Southern California
Anticipation and Long Tern Decisions for the Elderly Americans: Determinants of Parent-Child Proximity Yiduo Zhang, Johns Hopkins University
Sexual Life and Self-Assessed Health: Is There a Link? A Study on Chinese Adults Yingying Zhou, University of Washington