The Status and Availability of Data on Centenarians: What Do We Have and What We Would like to Get?

James W. McNally, University of Michigan

The growing importance of individuals aged 100 or older for research on aging is undeniable. Since 1998 well over 150 peer reviewed articles have focused specifically on Centenarians; their health, social behavior and longevity. This interest is supported by the concentration of resources for research on this very special population. Since 1990 NIH has funded over 90 new or continuing studies that deal directly with the collection of data and the study of Centenarian populations. This paper adds to our understanding of research on Centenarian populations by linking current research on this topic to the actual data that is used to study this population. More importantly, this paper discusses what data on the study of Centenarians is now available for secondary analysis and what studies will become avialable in the coming years. By identifying the best data resources available we will greatly enhance our ability to study this important population.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Aging, Life Course, Health, Mortality, and Health Care