Diabetes, Functional Status and Resource Access: A Binational Comparison of Mexican Origin Elderly

Jennifer J. Tovar, University of Texas at Austin

Diabetes in the United States is growing in prevalence and disproportionately affecting Mexican Americans. Looking at Mexicans in the United States only, limits our abilities to understand social factors that impact the health of Mexicans in this country. For example, diabetes and associated complications are the most prevalent cause of death in Mexico.The purpose of this study is to examine how social, family, and economic resources are effective in managing diabetic health in the United States and in Mexico. Using quantitative data (i.e. MHAS (2001), HRS(2000) and th Hispanic EPESE (2001)), comparative statistical analysis will be preformed to determine the availability and effectiveness of familial, social, and economic resources in reducing the negative health effects associated with diabetes in both countries. Preliminary results reveal significant variation between countries and between races in the United States. Less variation appears to exist among Mexicans with different migration histories residing in Mexico.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Aging, Life Course, Health, Mortality, and Health Care