Older Health, Living Arrangements, and Family Support in China

Manisha Sengupta, U.S. Census Bureau
Wan He, U.S. Census Bureau
Kaiti Zhang, China Research Center on Aging
Ping Guo, China Research Center

The present research uses recent data from China to explore gender differences in health and its association with marital status and living arrangements among older people. Using data from Sample Survey on Aged Population in Urban/Rural China: 2000 (SSAPUR), and a host of indices to measure health status, we assess how men and women aged 60 years and older differ in their experience of ill health and functional limitations. Preliminary analyzes suggest that 14.8 percent of older urban men and 27.6 percent of older urban women are unable to or have difficulty climbing stairs. Bathing is listed as being difficult by 13.1 percent and 9.3 percent of older men and older women, respectively in urban areas, and 20.6 percent and 15.4 percent of older men and older women, respectively, in rural areas. Among the activity limitations, lifting weights, walking, and washing are most common among older men and older women.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Aging, Life Course, Health, Mortality, and Health Care