Elderly Population in Puerto Rico: Sociodemographic Characteristics among the Poor and Non-Poor

Vivianna M. De Jesus, University of Puerto Rico

Because the elders conform a subpopulation with different needs to the rest of the general population, the poverty affects them not necessarily in the same magnitude as others. The main objective is to know the sociodemographic characteristics of the 65 and over population in Puerto Rico in 2000, below and above the poverty level, using the 2000 US Census Bureau’s Public Use Microdata 5% Sample. The data is going to be analyzed to describe the poverty levels and examine the sociodemographic characteristics of the elderly living below and above the poverty level. It is expected to find that poverty in 65 and over population increased, as the age increased. Also, some expected findings are a greater percent of non-poor elders with higher education, higher income from Social Security and retirement, and still participating in the labor force in comparison with poor elders.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Aging, Life Course, Health, Mortality, and Health Care