Poster Session 2:
Education, Gender, Religion, Language and Culture
Adjusting Household Structure: School Enrollment Impacts of Child Fostering in Burkina Faso Richard Akresh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Family Environment, Program Quality, and Children’s Social-Emotional Development in Head Start and Kindergarten Soumya Alva, Westat, Inc. ; Yair Ziv ; Nicholas Zill, Westat, Inc.
The Gender Gap Reversal in the Brazilian Education in the 20th Century Jose Eustáquio Diniz Alves, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) ; Kaizo Beltrao, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)
Intra-Urban Mobility Patterns of Mexican Immigrants in Emerging Gateway Cities Pamela Rogers, University of Texas at Austin
Education in Egypt: The Impact of Family Size and Composition Rania Tfaily, University of Pennsylvania
Assessing Census Bureau Estimates of High School Graduation Kurt J. Bauman, U.S. Census Bureau ; Alexander L. Janus, U.S. Census Bureau
Labor Income and French-English Bilingualism in the Two Major Ethnolinguistic Groups in the Montreal Metropolitan Census Area : 1970-1995 Nicolas Béland, Office Québécois de la Langue Française, Gouvernement du Québec
Proximate Determinants of Literacy and Numeracy Skills in Ghana Niels-Hugo Blunch, World Bank Group
The Persistence of Peers: Reproductive and Sexual Health Information Channels in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan Cynthia Buckley, University of Texas at Austin ; Kristen Adkins, University of Texas at Austin ; Jennifer Barrett, University of Texas at Austin
Reciprocal Effects of Sex and Religion in Italy Marcantonio Caltabiano, University of Padua ; Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, University of Padua ; Alessandro Rosina, Università Cattolica, Milan
Assessing the Accuracy of Data Collected on the Foreign Born: Findings from an Evaluation of the American Community Survey Steven A. Camarota, Center for Immigration Studies
The Effect of Full Time Kindergarten on the Cognitive Development of Children: A Longitudinal Study Bruno Casella, Università Bocconi ; Valeria Edefonti, Università Bocconi
How Does Ability to Speak English Affect Earnings? Jennifer Cheeseman Day, U.S. Census Bureau ; Hyon B. Shin, U.S. Census Bureau
A Longitudinal Analysis of Contextual Exposure to Peers with College Educated Parents and Students' College Enrollment Kate H. Choi, University of Texas at Austin ; Kelly Raley, University of Texas at Austin ; Chandra Muller, University of Texas at Austin ; Catherine Riegle-Crumb, University of Texas at Austin
Ethnicity, Political Violence and Internal Migration in Guatamala, 1975-1994: A Multilevel Backward Recurrence Time Model David P. Lindstrom, Brown University ; Manuel Ángel Castillo, El Colegio de México ; Afra R. Chowdhury, Brown University
Birth Status, Family Structure, and School Readiness among Mexican Immigrant Children Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas at Austin ; Elizabeth M. Wildsmith, University of Texas at Austin
Low Income and School Performance in Middle Childhood: Persistence, Timing, and Mediators Sally C. Curtin, University of Maryland ; Sandra Hofferth, University of Maryland
Jobs for Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka: What’s Education Got to Do with It? Maitreyi B. Das, World Bank Group ; Rasmus Heltberg, World Bank Group
The Relationship between Gender Socialization and Adolescent Educational Expectations Shannon N. Davis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Lisa D. Pearce, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Impact of Residential and School Mobility on Neighborhood Characteristics, School Quality, and Educational Outcomes Stefanie DeLuca, Johns Hopkins University ; Angela Estacion, Johns Hopkins University
Trends in Religious Affiliation among the Kassena-Nankana of Northern Ghana: Are Switching Patterns Identical by Gender? Henry V. Doctor, University of the Western Cape ; Evelyn Sakeah, Navrongo Health Research Centre ; James F. Phillips, Population Council
Racial/Ethnic Differences in College Graduation among Academically Promising Students Anne K. Driscoll, University of California, Davis
Region of Residence and Jewish Identification, US 2000-01 Isaac W. Eberstein, Florida State University ; Kyle Reese-Cassal, Washington State Forecast Analyst
Student Use of Services on Both Sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border Leticia E. Fernandez, University of Texas El Paso ; Cheryl Howard, UTEP ; Jon Amastae, UTEP
Parental Living Arrangements, Parental Mortality, and Childhood Vulnerability Kathy Ford, University of Michigan ; Victoria Hosegood, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Texas Students’ College Knowledge: Do High School Counselors Matter? Michelle Bellessa Frost, Princeton University
The Educational Progress of California’s Immigrant Children Deborah L. Garvey, Santa Clara University
The Combination of School and Work among Adolescent Children as a Household Strategy of Lone Mothers in Mexico Silvia Elena Giorguli Saucedo, El Colegio de México ; Carlos J. Echarri Canovas, El Colegio de México
Adolescent Schooling and Pregnancy in South Africa: Exploring the Causal Linkages Kelly Hallman, Population Council
Grade Repetition and Incomplete Schooling among Adolescents in Rural Kenya Tracyann L. Henry, Union College
Exploring Language Use: A Comparison of the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey Kelly A. Holder, U.S. Census Bureau
The Role of Religiosity in Adolescent and Young Adult Sexual Behavior Laurencia S. Hutton, Morgan State University ; Mian B. Hossain, Morgan State University
Maternal Influence on Daughters' Family Gender Role Attitudes Jessica Jakubowski, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Education, Economic Participation, and Women's Status in India Tanya Kenkre, Pennsylvania State University
The Effects of School Racial and Ethnic Composition on Academic Achievement in Adolescence Hedwig Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gendered Investments: Parental Educational Investments in Japanese Families Kristen Schultz Lee, Pennsylvania State University
The Effect of Malaria on Female Educational Attainment: Evidence from Sri Lanka Adrienne M. Lucas, Brown University ; David N. Weil, Brown University
Differences among Hispanics by Choice of Survey Language Gladys M. Martinez, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC ; Barbara V. Marin, Center for Aids Prevention Studies, UCSF
Examining the Role of Acculturation and Nativity Status on the Health Behaviors of Older Mexican Americans Meredith Masel, University of Texas Medical Branch ; Laura L. Rudkin-Miniot, University of Texas Medical Branch ; M. Kristin Peek
Event-History Analysis of Enlistment in the U.S. Armed Services, 1968 - 1974 Ryan K. Masters, University of Texas at Austin ; Oliver P. Fischer, University of Texas at Austin
English Language, Skills, and Health Benefits Nan L. Maxwell, California State University, Hayward ; Lynn Paringer, California State University, Hayward
The Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on the Decisions of the Work and School Acitivties Elzira L. Oliveira, Universidade Candido Mendes ; Ana Oliveira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
Exploring the Divide in the Digital Divide: The Effect of Race/Ethnicity on Computer Ownership in United States, 1984 – 2003 Salvador Rivas, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Majors and Marriage: Does Field of Study Influence the Timing of First Marriage? Camille Ryan, U.S. Census Bureau ; Jessica W. Davis, U. S. Census Bureau
Naturalization Rates of Immigrant Cohorts in the United States: 1973 - 2003 Nancy Rytina, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ; Elizabeth M. Grieco, Office of Immigration Statistics
Measurement of Race and Ethnic Origin: Results from the Census Quality Survey Amy S. Smith, U.S. Census Bureau
Recency of Immigration and Immigrant Alcohol and Tobacco Use Sam S Kim, Arizona State University
A Half Century of Learning: State Trends in Educational Attainment, 1940 to 2000 Nicole Stoops, U.S. Census Bureau ; Jennifer Cheeseman Day, U.S. Census Bureau ; Claire Shook-Finucane ; Jessica W. Davis, U. S. Census Bureau
The Effects of Education and Communist Party Membership on Income in a Transitioning Economy: The Case of Vietnam Lynne T. Taguchi, University of Washington
Religion and HIV/AIDS Behavior of Men in Sub-Saharan Africa Baffour K. Takyi, University of Akron ; Stephen Obeng Gyimah, Queen's University ; Gabriel Fosu, ORC Macro
Do They Have to Live Here, Too?: Co-Resident Sibling Composition and the Academic Outcomes of Youth Kathryn Harker Tillman, Florida State University
Risky Adolescent Behaviors: A Structural Equation and OLS Examination of How Family Characteristics Directly and Indirectly Affect Adolescent Outcomes Eileen Trzcinski, Wayne State University
Rural India’s Challenges in Achieving "Education for All": a Micro Analysis Jayachandran Vasudevan, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) ; S. Rajaram, J.S.S. Institute of Economic Research ; Thankam Sunil, University of Texas at San Antonio
Challenges of Projecting Student Enrollment in a High Growth, Choice-Oriented School District Arthur Wittman, Demographer, Palm Beach County School District