Grade Repetition and Incomplete Schooling among Adolescents in Rural Kenya

Tracyann L. Henry, Union College

Common characteristics of adolescents' schooling in developing countries include tuition costs at public schools, school choice availability and at times, the choice of acquiring basic education. These characteristics in turn, structure the schools' quality and the acquisition of basic education into an investment venture at the household level. Consequently, households' schooling decisions are extended to include grade repetition and completion. This paper investigates these two decisions among a selected sample of households residing in rural Kenya. The idea of endogenous school quality, and grade level as the survival time variable are introduced. Findings reveal that community and family contributions to the schools are positively related to school quality. Furthermore, students from wealthier households and students attending schools with comparably higher qualities have a higher survival rate in the school system. Findings also reveal that grade 6 at the primary level poses the highest risk of early withdrawal among the adolescents.

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Presented in Poster Session 2: Education, Gender, Religion, Language and Culture