Friday, April 1 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Salon K

Session 89:
Parents and Children

Chair: Kim Korinek, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discussant: Angelique Chan, National University of Singapore

  1. Are Families the New Safety Net? An Examination of the Receipt of Kin Support, Child Support and WelfareLaura M. Argys, University of Colorado at Denver ; Elizabeth Peters, Cornell University

  2. Risk and Household Structure: Another Look at the Determinants of FertilityClaus C. Pörtner, University of Washington

  3. Training, Trading or Taking? Parents’ Work, Children’s Work and Intergenerational TransfersJennifer L. Romich, University of Washington

  4. Women’s Marital Expectations and Subsequent Union Outcomes among Fragile FamiliesSharon Sassler, Ohio State University ; Soma Roy, Ohio State University ; Elizabeth A. Stasny, Ohio State University

Other sessions on Marriage, Family and Households