Thursday, March 31 / 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM   •   Room 404

Session 44:
Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Change

Chair: Robert M. Adelman, Georgia State University
Discussant: Craig St. John, University of Oklahoma

  1. Was Postwar Suburbanization 'White Flight'? Evidence from the Black MigrationLeah Platt Boustan, Harvard University

  2. Dynamic Models of Neighborhood ChangeElizabeth E. Bruch, University of California, Los Angeles

  3. Neighborhood Racial Integration in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1970-2000: Is it Stable or Just a Passing Phase?Samantha Friedman, Northeastern University

  4. Public Housing and the Spatial Concentration of Poverty: New National EstimatesLincoln Quillian, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization