Dynamic Models of Neighborhood Change

Elizabeth E. Bruch, University of California, Los Angeles

This paper uses an agent-based (microsimulation) model to examine the relationships among economic inequality, residential mobility, and race and income segregation. I estimate models of residential choice using data from the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey (LA FANS). These models describe the probability that a household with a given race and income moves into a housing unit, conditional on the unit's price and neighborhood composition. I then use a realistic agent-based model to relate the residential choice behaviors estimated from the LA FANS to patterns of neighborhood turnover. The agent-based model includes a market mechanism that allows housing prices to respond to changes in aggregate demand for neighborhoods. I simulate mobility behavior in Los Angeles County from 1990-2000 using the residential choice functions estimated from the LA FANS, and examine segregation outcomes under varying assumptions about economic inequality within and among race groups.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 44: Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Change