Saturday, April 2 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Salon K

Session 149:
Historical Demography: Migration

Chair: Katherine J. Curtis White, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussant: Trent Alexander, University of Minnesota

  1. Moving In, Moving On: Changing Lives in a Southern City, 1900-1930Regina M. Bures, University of Florida

  2. Labor Migration and the Spread of STD: Gonorrhea in Japanese-Occupied Micronesia, 1920 - 1945Susan L. Cassels, Princeton University

  3. The Revolving Door to "Gold Mountain": How Chinese Immigrants got Around U.S. Exclusion and Replenished the Chinese American Labor Force, 1900-1910Ken Chew, University of California, Irvine ; Mark Leach, University of California, Irvine ; Robert C. Romero ; John Liu, University of California, Irvine

  4. Southerners in the West: The Relative Well-Being of “Direct” and “Onward” MigrantsStewart E. Tolnay, University of Washington ; Suzanne C. Eichenlaub, University of Washington

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