Session 135:
Paternity Establishment and Father's Investments in Children
Chair: Vincent Evans, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), NIH
Discussant: Irwin Garfinkel, Columbia University
Discussant: Elizabeth Peters, Cornell University
Who Gets a Paternity Test? Results from Maryland Child Support Offices David Bishai, Johns Hopkins University ; Nan M. Astone, Johns Hopkins University
What Do Daddies Do? A More Complete Father Involvement Measure for Married, Cohabiting and Nonresidential Men Allison P. Deschamps, University of Chicago
Do Unmarried, Non-Resident, Low-Income Fathers Provide Support for Their Children? Evidence from a Low-Income Inner-City Population Irma T. Elo, University of Pennsylvania ; Laryssa Mykyta, University of Pennsylvania ; Jennifer Culhane, Drexel University
Addressing Internal Reliability and Predictive Validity Concerns of Survey Reports of Father Involvement Daphne Hernandez ; Rebekah Levine Coley, Boston College
Other sessions on Children and Youth