Utilization of Condom in the Context of HIV / AIDS in Nepal
Vikash Kumar KC, Jawaharlal Nehru University
UTILIZATION OF CONDOM IN THE CONTEXT OF HIV / AIDS IN NEPAL Vikash Kumar KC ABSTRACT This paper is designed to study the utilization of condom in the context of HIV / AIDS in Nepal. The analysis in this paper is based on the data collected from Nepal Demographic Health survey (NDHS) 2001. Chi-square test and Logistic (binary ) regression have been used to find the association and relationship between background characteristics and utilization of condom in the context of HIV/AIDS in Nepal. Age, education, occupation, mass media exposure, spousal communication and residence, ecological and geographical locations of men have a significant association with knowledge and utilization of condom. However, age, education, occupation and mass media exposure are strong predictors of knowledge of AIDS. In order to improve the knowledge of AIDS and usage of condom, the government of Nepal needs to consider the personal and geographical dimensions.
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Presented in Poster Session 3: Fertility, Family Planning, Unions, and Sexual Behavior