Friday, April 1 / 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM   •   Franklin Hall

Poster Session 5:
Union Formation and Dissolution, Fertility, Family and Well-being

  1. Marital Fertility and Religion: Recent Changes in SpainAlicia Adsera, University of Illinois at Chicago

  2. Bringing Work Home: Women’s Organization in Urban IndiaRina Agarwala, Princeton University

  3. Shared Parenting in Sweden: Gender Differences in Expectations and Actual BehaviorEva Bernhardt, Stockholm University

  4. Income Transfers, Intra-Household Resource Allocation and Marriage Markets in Rural MexicoGustavo J. Bobonis, University of California, Berkeley

  5. Household Structure and Infant Feeding Behavior among Low-Income African AmericansJudith B. Borja, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jean Hamilton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Michelle Mendez, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Margaret Bentley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Carby-Shields Kenitra, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  6. Beyond Provisions: The Relationship between Poverty and Parenting among Single MothersRonald E. Bulanda, Miami University

  7. Too Poor to Marry? Employment Crisis and Changing Modes of Union Formation among Young Men in Burkina FasoAnne E. Calvès, Université de Montréal ; Edith Martel, Université de Montréal

  8. Family Disruption and Child Wellbeing: Understanding the Role of Family ContextShannon E. Cavanagh, University of Texas at Austin ; Aletha Huston, University of Texas at Austin

  9. Trends in Assortative Mating by Sibship Position in JapanChia-ying Chen, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Miho Iwasawa, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan

  10. Imprisoned Fathers and Their Families: Marginal Populations in a Cross-National ComparisonLynda Clarke, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; Randal Day, Brigham Young University

  11. The Living Arrangements of Fragile Families over Time: The Impact of Policy and Personal CharacteristicsMarah A. Curtis, Columbia University

  12. What Predicts Fertility Intention Persistence and Change during Adolescence and Middle Adulthood?Jacinda K. Dariotis, Pennsylvania State University

  13. Tied to the Land: An Analysis of Amish Migration and Community FormationJoseph F. Donnermeyer, Ohio State University ; Elizabeth Cooksey, Ohio State University

  14. The Impact of Level of Disability, SES, and Access to Health Insurance on Health-Related Outcomes for Children with Special Health Care NeedsJulia A. Drew, Brown University

  15. Does Community Property Discourage Lone Motherhood?Olivia Ekert-Jaffe, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Shoshana Grossbard, San Diego State University

  16. Unmarried Partner Households in the United States: Description and Trends: 2000 To 2003Diana B. Elliott, University of Maryland ; Jane L. Dye, U.S. Census Bureau

  17. Playing Well with Others in China: The Effects of Having SiblingsToni Falbo, University of Texas at Austin ; Kokyung Soon, University of Texas at Austin ; Dudley L. Poston, Jr., Texas A&M University

  18. Will You Covenant Marry Me? An Empirical Look at a New Type of MarriageAmanda J. Felkey, Cornell University

  19. More Money, More Children?: Income and Fertility Patterns in America, 1972-1998Julie Fennell, Brown University

  20. Infant Mortality of Asian AmericansHui Liu, University of Texas at Austin ; Parker Frisbie, University of Texas at Austin

  21. Marriage Order, Marring Timing, and Black/White Intermarriage in the United States, 1968-1995Vincent K. Fu, University of Utah

  22. A Tale of Two Economies: Children’s Experiences in Cohabiting Families before and after the Turn of the New CenturyDeborah Roempke Graefe, Pennsylvania State University

  23. Effects of Relationship Transitions and Paternal Residency on Fathering Salience: Evidence from the NLSY79Thomas A. Gryn, Ohio State University

  24. Research Note: New Patterns of Union Formation and Fertility among Young AdultsKaren B. Guzzo, University of Pennsylvania

  25. Cross-Cultural Patterns of Interracial MarriageTim B. Heaton, Brigham Young University ; Cardell Jacobson, Brigham Young University

  26. The Effects of Adolescent Mental Health on the Transition to Adulthood: Leaving the Family Home and Household FormationJerald Herting, University of Washington ; Karen A. Snedker, University of Washington

  27. Emotional Supportiveness and the Marriage Decisions of Unmarried CouplesBryndl Hohmann-Marriott, Arizona State University

  28. Parental Divorce and Union Disruption among Young Adults in SwedenYing Hong, Stockholm University ; Eva Bernhardt, Stockholm University

  29. The Effects of Child Support Enforcement on Youth Pregnancy IntentionChien-Chung Huang, Rutgers University

  30. The Health Status and Health Care of Young Mexican American Children: The Influence of Parental Relationship StatusRobert A. Hummer, University of Texas at Austin ; Erin R. Hamilton, University of Texas at Austin ; Helen You, University of Texas at Austin ; Yolanda C. Padilla, University of Texas at Austin

  31. Unwanted Pregnancies in the Philippines: The Route to Induced Abortion and Health ConsequencesFatima Juarez, El Colegio de México ; Josefina V. Cabigon, University of the Philippines

  32. Early Sexual Debut and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents and Young AdultsChristine E. Kaestle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Carolyn Tucker Halpern, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; William Miller, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Carol Ford, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  33. Measuring Couple's Fertility Change in Process of the New Transition in Japan, with Special Attention to Effects of Marriage Delay and Educational UpgradingRyuichi Kaneko, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan

  34. Major Depression in a Sample of Fathers: Prevalence, Correlates, and Associations with Father's Individual and Family Level FunctioningJacinta M.H. Bronte-Tinkew, Child Trends ; Kristin Moore, Child Trends

  35. Trends in African American Child Well-Being: 1985-2001Vicki L. Lamb, Duke University ; Kenneth C. Land, Duke University ; Sarah O. Meadows, Duke University

  36. The Changing Effect of Paid Work on Canadian Women's Childbearing, 1946-2001Benoît Laplante, Université du Québec à Montréal ; Celine Le Bourdais, McGill University

  37. Sex, Culture, Marriage, and Childbearing: Sexual Revolutions through the 20th Century in the United StatesNathanael Lauster, University of Minnesota ; Rebecca Upton, DePauw University

  38. What Spousal Alternatives? Marriage Market Conditions and Divorce Risk ReconsideredTorkild Lyngstad, Statistics Norway

  39. Trends in Childlessness among Less Educated and Minority Women in the United StatesSteven P. Martin, University of Maryland

  40. The Effect of State-Level Welfare Reform Policies on Nonmarital Births: A Difference-in-Difference ApproachKelly S. Mikelson, University of Texas at Austin

  41. Transition to First Birth of Immigrant Women in GermanyNadja Milewski, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

  42. Multiple Partnership Patterns among Heterosexual Men in Main Partner CouplesTrent W. Moore, Florida State University ; David F. Sly, Florida State University

  43. Now, Later or Never: The Changing Age of Childbearing in an Anomalous Fertility SettingPetra Nahmias, Princeton University

  44. The Sequencing of Coupling Events: Ideal and Actual Intimate Experiences of American AdolescentsAnthony Paik, University of Iowa ; Vernon Woodley, University of Iowa

  45. Seven Decades of Nonmarital Childbearing in the United StatesRobert D. Plotnick, University of Washington

  46. Time Allocation of Employed and Nonemployed Mothers: 1965 to 2000Sara Raley, University of Maryland

  47. Analyzing Marriage-US Migration Behavioral Sequences in MexicoFernando Riosmena, University of Pennsylvania

  48. Family Migration and Career Mobility: Gender Differences in Occupational ContextKimberlee A. Shauman, University of California, Davis ; Mary C. Noonan, University of Iowa

  49. Testing the Life Cycle Model of Consumption Using Information on Households without ChildrenEkaterina V. Stepanova, University of Washington

  50. The Effect of PRWORA on Welfare Caseloads in Pennsylvania: Fixed Effects Versus Random Effects ModelsSamuel Sturgeon, Pennsylvania State University

  51. Household Strategy, Return Migration and the Role of Remittance in Nang Rong, ThailandYuying Tong, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Martin Piotrowski, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  52. Is the Second Demographic Transition Coming to North America or just to Quebec? The Changing Effect of Children on the Stability of Nonmarital Cohabitation in the US and CanadaPierre Turcotte, Statistics Canada ; Pascale Beaupré, Statistics Canada ; Fran Goldscheider, Brown University

  53. Expansion or Retrenchment? Trends and Patterns of Young Child Policy Variations Among 18 OECD Nations from 1980-2000Shu-Yung Wang, Columbia University

  54. Race/Ethnic Differences in the Role of CohabitationElizabeth M. Wildsmith, University of Texas at Austin

  55. Gender Differences in Union Formation in France: Is There Convergence over the Recent Period?Maria E. Winkler-Dworak, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Laurent Toulemon, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

  56. Marriage at the Extremes: Comparing Union Happiness in Marriage and CohabitationYan Yu, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Aimée R. Dechter, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Michael E. Sobel, Columbia University

  57. Employment Status Duration and First Birth in Great BritainCordula D. Zabel, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

  58. Encouragement for Educational Aspirations: The Role of Parents, Peers and Counselors when Explaining Group DifferencesYun Zhou, Arizona State University