Session 60:
Social Inequalities and Health: Methodological Advances
Chair: Brian K. Finch, RAND
Discussant: Megan Beckett, RAND
Health Trajectories over the Life Course: The Consequences of Childhood Health and Social Background Factors Steven A. Haas, Harvard University
Social Differences in Health and Mortality in Old Age. Evidence from US Survey Data and Danish Register Data Rasmus Hoffmann, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Socioeconomic Status and Health Over the Life Course: An Aging-Vector Approach Jinyoung Kim, University of Texas at Austin
A Test of the Social Causation Hypothesis and the SES Gradient: The Utility of Wealth, Self Reported Health, and Unmeasured Heterogeneity Michael L. Spittel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC
Other sessions on Health and Mortality