Thursday, March 31 / 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM   •   Salon K

Session 57:
Statistical Demography

Chair: Adrian Raftery, University of Washington
Discussant: Alberto Palloni, University of Wisconsin at Madison

  1. A 2-Step Empirical Likelihood Approach for Combining Sample and Population Data in Regression EstimationSanjay Chaudhuri, University of Washington ; Mark S. Handcock, University of Washington ; Michael Rendall, RAND

  2. Predicting Work and Family TrajectoriesRaffaella Piccarreta, Università Bocconi

  3. A Statistical Reformulation of Demographic Methods to Assess the Quality of Age and Date Reporting, with Application to the Demographic and Health SurveysThomas W. Pullum, University of Texas at Austin

  4. A Simple Explanation of Tempo Effects in Fertility – and Why Such Issues are Irrelevant for Mortality AnalysisJohn R. Wilmoth, University of California, Berkeley

Other sessions on Data and Methods