Thursday, March 31 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   Rooms 407-409

Session 4:
Early Life Experiences and Later Life Outcomes

Chair: Jeff Evans
Discussant: Sam Preston, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Christina Paxson, Princeton University

  1. SES and the Longer-Term Effects of Child AbuseJanet Currie, University of California, Los Angeles ; Erdal Tekin, Georgia State University

  2. Family Socioeconomic Status, Stature, and Adult EarningsEnrico Marcelli, Harvard University ; Christopher Jencks

  3. Why Your Siblings Cost You Grades, Income, and Savings, Especially if You're FemaleNick Parr, Macquarie University

  4. The Impact of SES on Health over the Life-CourseJames P. Smith, RAND

Other sessions on Health and Mortality