Session 171:
Contraceptive Use in the United States
Chair: Koray Tanfer, Battelle- Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation
Discussant: Elizabeth Cooksey, Ohio State University
Microfinance Programs, Empowerment and Contraceptive Use: Evidence from Indonesia Alison M. Buttenheim, University of California, Los Angeles
Improving Contraceptive Use: An Investigation of Factors Associated with Inconsistent and Incorrect Contraceptive Method Use in the United States Jennifer J. Frost, The Alan Guttmacher Institute ; Susheela D. Singh, The Alan Guttmacher Institute ; Lawrence B. Finer, The Alan Guttmacher Institute
Contraceptive Use among Hispanics on the U.S.-Mexico Border and Hispanics Throughout the United States Kristine Hopkins, University of Texas at Austin ; Sarah McKinnon, University of Texas at Austin ; Joseph E. Potter, University of Texas at Austin
Contraceptive Use in the United States, 2002 Single and Dual Use among Racial and Socio-Economic Groups William D. Mosher, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC ; Joyce C. Abma, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC ; Anjani Chandra, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health