Session 132:
Gender and Health in Developing Countries
Chair: Karen O. Mason, East West Center
Discussant: Sunita Kishor, ORC Macro
Gender Differences in Transitions in Functional Disability among Older Singaporeans: 1995 - 1999 Angelique Chan, National University of Singapore
The Gender Division of Labor, Indoor Air Pollution and Adult and Child Health Mark M. Pitt, Brown University ; Mark Rosenzweig, Harvard University ; Nazmul Hassan, Dhaka University
Influence of Women’s Autonomy and Access to Health Services on Maternal Health Care Utilization in Rural India Mona Sharan, Johns Hopkins University ; Saifuddin Ahmed, Johns Hopkins University ; Donna Strobino, Johns Hopkins University
Gender Differentials in Cognitive Impairment of the Oldest Old in China Zhenmei Zhang, Bowling Green State University ; Cheryl Lero, Bowling Green State University
Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity and Gender