Session 12:
Demography of Domestic Violence
Chair: Wassana Im-em, Mahidol University
Discussant: Terence H. Hull, Australian National University
Is Domestic Violence Related to Early Child Mortality? Evidence from North India Saifuddin Ahmed, Johns Hopkins University ; Michael Koenig, Johns Hopkins University ; Rob Stephenson, Emory University
Factors Associated with Repeat Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence: A Longitudinal Analysis Marybeth J. Mattingly, University of Maryland ; Laura Dugan, University of Maryland
Physical Domestic Violence and Subsequent Contraceptive Adoption in Uttar Pradesh, India Rob Stephenson, Emory University
Resources, Family Organization, and Domestic Violence Against Married Women in Minya, Egypt Kathryn M. Yount, Emory University
Other sessions on Marriage, Family and Households