Explaining Trends in Contraceptive Use among Teen Females, 1995-2002

Jennifer Manlove, Child Trends
Elizabeth Terry-Humen, Child Trends
Erum N. Ikramullah, Child Trends

This study examines trends in contraceptive use among teen females, using data from the 1995 and 2002 NSFG. We assess family, individual, relationship and partner factors associated with contraceptive use at most recent sexual intercourse and assess whether changes in family, individual, relationship and partner characteristics of sexually active teens help explain historical trends in contraceptive experiences. We hypothesize historical increases in contraceptive use at most recent sex, and that improvements in family environments (increases in family SES), individual characteristics (increased access to sex education and improved educational attainment), and relationship and partner characteristics (fewer sexual partners) will be associated with improvements in contraceptive use. However, these improvements may be offset by increased proportions of teens living in single-parent families, an increased focus on abstinence education, and potential increases in “hang out” sex.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 101: Reproductive Health in Developed Countries