The Dilemma of Past Success: Insiders’ Views on the Future of the International Family Planning Movement

Amy Tsui, Johns Hopkins University
Ann K. Blanc, Blancroft Research International

The international family planning movement is believed by many to have played a significant role in reducing fertility levels in the developing world. Yet, the perceived success of family planning programs has led to recent questions about their relevance and future place on the development policy agenda. Within a framework derived from the sociological literature on social movements, we use interviews and focus group discussions with population insiders to examine current perspectives on the status and future of the family planning movement, factors contributing to its declining international visibility, the apparent consequences of this decline, and possible responses from the family planning field. Informants cited four possible directions of action for the movement: 1) forming strategic alliances with other movements, specifically HIV/AIDS; 2) repositioning the family planning message to mobilize and strengthen support; 3) improving service delivery to broaden public acceptance and use; and 4) nurturing and inspiring new leadership.

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Presented in Session 83: Reproductive Health in Developing Countries