"Ethnic Revival" among Labor Migrants in Germany? Political Statements, Theoretical Arguments, and First Empirical Evidence

Claudia Diehl, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany

My presentation scrutinizes the thesis that the assimilation process of immigrants in Germany has come to a standstill in the early 90s. With regard to the last decade, many authors state an increasing withdrawal into ethnic groups; a growing distance of even second generation migrants to the majority; and a growing ethnic self-confidence especially among Turkish immigrants. I present the scholarly debate about an "ethnic revival“ among immigrants in Germany, assess the arguments and findings on this topic from the US literature, and discuss whether it is plausible to expect an "ethnic revival“ among Germany’s immigrants. Based on this, I present my own analytical scheme and describe my data and measurements. Finally, I present trend analyzes for the last twenty years for different indicators in order to assess whether migrants’ identificational, cognitive, and social assimilation processes have slowed down or even reversed by using data from the German Socio-economic Panel.

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Presented in Session 6: Immigrant Adaptation