Elderly Mobility in Italy: An Interpretative Model

Lorenzo Cassata, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Cecilia Reynaud, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

Elderly mobility has been often studied in Anglo-Saxon countries, where mobility rates are traditionally higher than in Europe and Italy. Europe (and especially Italy ) has now the most aged population in the world; national and international flows are going to different directions, compared to the past. Italy became a destination country for young people coming from Africa and Eastern Europe (mainly looking for a job), but also for elderly coming from Northern Europe and USA (looking for “amenity”). But still it is dominant the return migration among the elderly. This paper tries to distinguish this return migration from other types of elderly migrations, and to make hypotheses on the elderly mobility in Italy at the beginning of the new century. This study has been done using registry individual data (inscriptions/cancellations) and the origin/destination matrix approach.

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Presented in Session 94: The Migration of the Elderly